Squash Levels in used Worldwide and is considered one of the best tools in the modern game to track your results, form and indication of your squash standard. It's also a great tool to see how you rank against players all over the world from beginners to the World Number 1!

The use of Squash Levels for the box leagues at Aberystwyth has been a great success and allowed players to track their progress within the club and against each other, with levels moving up and down depending on your results, every point counts whether you win or lose.
We hope to use more of Squash Levels at the club with internal and external events on the horizon in 2024 as well as our Squash Team that will be looking to play in the Pembrokeshire leagues later this year.
Want to join our box leagues? https://www.squashlevels.com/boxes.php?action=show_boxes&boxid=3797